NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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slnStartupProjectLibrary [1 dependencies]

A .NET library to set the default StartUp project of a Visual Studio solution file
Library containing a set of utils for Windows Forms
Abstracts RabbitMQ Client implementation details from broker dependent applications.
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XunitXml.TestLogger [1 dependencies]

Xml logger for xunit when test is running with "dotnet test" or "dotnet vstest".
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Jasily.FunctionInvoker [1 dependencies]

A lib for easy compile method to delegate.
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Fugu.EntityFrameworkCore [1 dependencies]

Application framework for .NET Core
This package is a fork of the Windows Input Simulator package. If you have encountered applications that do not receive input from the original Windows Input Simulator, try replacing it with this package instead.
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HuLib.WPF [1 dependencies]

HuLib WPF components
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TeamElement.Collections [1 dependencies]

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SqlExpression.Extension [1 dependencies]

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NvgSharp.MonoGame [1 dependencies]

NvgSharp for MonoGame
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kelvysb.BDataBase [1 dependencies]

Multi database connector, MsSql, MySql, Sqlite, Postgre and Oracle
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FkCore.Recipes.Core [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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MVCCaching.Base [1 dependencies]

MVC Caching Base for .Net 4.8+
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Kane.Extension [1 dependencies]

Provides the core capability to use Azure Service Bus
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NBB.Core.Effects.FSharp [1 dependencies]

Package Description
Common functionality for OpenToolkit.Windowing.* packages.
This package helps to generate client proxy for an api using the Refit library. It adds cache and retries using Polly to the generated proxies. User logic can also be added as wrappers to the requests or to the method calls.
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Apsy.Common.Api.Core [1 dependencies]

Makes using GraphQL in .NET as easy as applying an attribute {Api] to exposed properties and registeting the types using dependecy injection. Wraps the implementation of GraphQL by Joe McBride ( Using this implementation, the consumer needs to defin...