NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Nemo [1 dependencies]

.Net Enterprise Micro-ORM
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TsSoft.Commons [1 dependencies]

Library contains various utilities for working with collections and enums, text formatting, guid encoding, word pluralization and more
FunScript binding for winjs (BETA version).
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DynamicSpecs.Core.dll [1 dependencies]

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OneWork.Web.Mvc [1 dependencies]

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MSyics.Cacheyi.PCL [1 dependencies]

Use AdvancedDocClean's filters and helper functions to perform advanced document cleanup. HolePunchRemoval, Despeckle, DynamicThreshold, and Deskew help clean any scanned paper document for any downstream recognition (barcode, OCR, OMR, etc.).
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GodSharp.SerialPort [1 dependencies]

An easy-to-use .NET SerialPort Library.
Xamarin Bindings library for bug-fixed fork:
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Wodsoft.ComBoost.Mvc [1 dependencies]

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ModPlus.AutoCAD.API [1 dependencies]

AutoCAD libraries required to create ModPlus plugins. Includes accoremgd.dll, acdbmgd.dll, acdbmgdbrep.dll, acmgd.dll, AcCui.dll and AdWindows.dll
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Prototypist.FunctionFlow [1 dependencies]

A library for conposing small algrothims
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YC51.Extensions.RabbitMQ [1 dependencies]

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Bit.Universal.Http [1 dependencies]

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Elvia.ArdoqModelMaintainer [1 dependencies]

Mapping library for mapping C# object models to Ardoq models.
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Buildersoft.Andy.X.Client [1 dependencies]

Andy X is an open-source distributed streaming platform designed to deliver the best performance possible for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, streaming between microservices and data integrations. This library offers flexible messaging models with high-level APIs for NET.
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LBON.Consts [1 dependencies]

Lu Ban Of .Net - .Net 高可用、高效率的扩展组件