NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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redmine-net-api [1 dependencies]

Free open-source .Net API for Redmine bug/task management systems.
Server's assets for Framerizr.MVC.
This package provides the Visual Studio "Call Hierarchy" reference assemblies used by Visual Studio 2012. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.CallHierarchy.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.CallHierarchy.Package.Definitions.dll
Fody add-in to decorate arbitrary methods to run code before and after invocation. Fork of Supports returned Task handling on async methods, for that add void TaskContinuation(Task task) on IMethodDecorator interface.
Contains attributes and data model classes for generating description of ASP.NET MVC WebAPI
Bonsai Library containing modules for acquiring images from Allied Vision cameras. NOTE: Due to the way that the Vimba.NET SDK is built, Bonsai needs to be run using the command-line flag --noboot when using this package.
Repository Base by SchwabenCode
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CBAM HTTP Client API [1 dependencies]

The Connection-Based Asynchronous Messaging (CBAM) HTTP package contains API to send HTTP requests from client to server. The HTTP API itself is minimalistic and easy-to-use.
FrostAura MediaServer Core suite for providing models and interfaces and helpers for Media Server integration.
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Vstk.Hosting [1 dependencies]

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CatHtmlUtils [1 dependencies]

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Es.Rdbms.MySqlConnector [1 dependencies]

EsWork Libraries
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SKeShop.EventBus [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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boost_coroutine-vc142 [1 dependencies]

boost_coroutine-vc142. Compiler: Visual Studio 2019 16.11.31.
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NetMicro.Consul.NFlags [1 dependencies]

Package Description
Upgrades links, styles, scripts, images and other resources that are linked in HTML via non-secure HTTP to HTTPS.
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tanka.graphql.server.links [1 dependencies]

GraphQL Query, Mutation and Subscription library
Story — a digital-platform developed by Right Perception, allowing you to create interactive presentations with immediate feedback on the change in the customer perception of the brand and the representative’s activity.
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ForgedOnce.Glsl.MsBuild [1 dependencies]

MSBuild solution adapter for CodeFileGlsl