NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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ArcGISSilverlight-Portal [1 dependencies]

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TheWheel.OpenXml [1 dependencies]

Export a list of data to an open xml document (currently only excel spreadsheet is handled)
The .NET Core runtime, called CoreCLR, and the base library, called mscorlib. It includes the garbage collector, JIT compiler, base .NET data types and many low-level classes.
Ribbon Control for .NET WinForm
ASP.NET Core Identity by default uses string as primary key, using GuIdentity you will have guid as a primary key.
This package adds a ScopeSetId column to CK.tUserGitHub table.
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CSharpMath.SkiaSharp [1 dependencies]

The SkiaSharp front end for CSharpMath.
ProgenNET database assembly: Progenesis.ProgenNET.Core.SQL.dll
Xamarin.Android bindings for Crashlytics Android - Answers
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Toosame.EventBus [1 dependencies]

EventBus Abstraction and Interface
Package Description
Redistribution of xdelta3 native lib for linux-x64
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Standprof.QA.Common [1 dependencies]

The project contains helpers that can be used in other test projects.
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NetPro.Swagger [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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Convey.Persistence.Redis [1 dependencies]

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Systèm.Text.Decodings.Web [1 dependencies]

Package Description