NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Cassandraemon [1 dependencies]

Cassandraemon is LINQ Provider for Apache Cassandra.
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SharpLua [1 dependencies]

Lua implementation in C#
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Yaaf.Xmpp.IM.SQL [1 dependencies]

A SQL (MSSQL) backend for Yaaf.Xmpp.IM.
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for pdfkit. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: a28c67225e7bd5093b8aeb389019ab8b424e43c9].
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Zebus.Persistence.CQL [1 dependencies]

A lightweight Peer to Peer Service Bus
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boost_chrono-src [1 dependencies]

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Stardust.Continuum.Client [1 dependencies]

Client for the continuum live log stream service
Для выгрузки отчета в Web проекте через Api. Предоставдляет фреймворк для скачивания и формирование файлов отчетов в формате Excel или Word.
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NedCV.Acs.Contracts [1 dependencies]

NedCV Identity Provider Contracts - This package contains the data contracts for the STS application
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Idfy.Events.Client [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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Wiry.Infrastructure.Domain [1 dependencies]

EntityFrameworkCore database context for State entities
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Aglomera [1 dependencies]

A hierarchical agglomerative clustering (HAC) library written in C#
Allows project reference content to be added to the NuGet-package during pack process.
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MSFTCompression.Core [1 dependencies]

Core library for MSFTCompressionCab.Core.Cab
T5557新版读写卡动态库,该动态库匹配 杂牌读卡器