NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Filedrops FileSystem UI [1 dependencies]

Filedrops FileSystem UI
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PortAudio Redist [1 dependencies]

Redistributable components for package 'portaudio'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
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boost_math_tr1l-vc90 [1 dependencies]

boost_math_tr1l-vc90. Compiler: Visual Studio 2008 SP1.
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Strava API Framework [1 dependencies]

Strava API Framework forked from
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cammWM.WebApp [1 dependencies]

WebScripts for all WebApplications using camm Integration Portal (based on camm Web-Manager) for Web Applications
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BuildIt.CognitiveServices [1 dependencies]

This library contains a number of helper methods and functions that makes working with Microsoft Cognitive Services easier
C# Implementation of phash-0.9.4 for PresentationCore.dll
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McApp.TestBase [1 dependencies]

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Falanx.JsonCodec [1 dependencies]

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FluentTimeSpan [1 dependencies]

Provides extensions for TimeSpan. Added new TimeValue Week, Year, Decade and Century.
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Platform.Common.Domain [1 dependencies]

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Zaabee.SequentialGuid [1 dependencies]

Sequential Guid (COMB) for SqlServer/MySQL/Oracle/PostgreSQL.
An LLVM Clangd release wrapped for usage by AlterNET Studio LSP client.
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plot_viewer [1 dependencies]

c++ plot viewer application. Install plot_client.nupkg to use. See a document in plot_client for more information.
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ClingoSharp.NativeWrapper [1 dependencies]

A C# wrapper to the native C clingo library.
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Endjin.ApiChange [1 dependencies]

Compare .NET assembly versions for differences
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AForgeCore [1 dependencies]

Package Description