NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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ApiDoc [2 dependencies]

Api Documentation Generator that can generate documentation directly from a compiled assembly and .xml files. The library can be used with ApiDoc.Mvc4 to plug directly into an existing ASP.NET Mvc site or can be used directly to generate your own customised outputs. This package contains a portabl...
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incant.reticulated [2 dependencies]

Hardware-accelerated implementation of CRC-32C (Castagnoli) with super fast software fallback for C++ projects. Don't confuse with ordinary CRC-32.
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TileSharp [2 dependencies]

Basic tile renderer for .net
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angular-file-upload-module [2 dependencies]

Angular File Upload is a module for the AngularJS framework. Supports drag-n-drop upload, upload progress, validation filters and a file upload queue. It supports native HTML5 uploads, but degrades to a legacy iframe upload method for older browsers. Works with any server side platform which support...
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LoadingIndicators.WPF [2 dependencies]

LoadingIndicators.WPF is a collection of 8 animated loading indicators (compatible with MahApps.Metro).
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CfgDotNet [2 dependencies]

A method of doing configuration with JSON files in .NET
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TestBindingRedirectB [2 dependencies]

Some test package
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SystemDot.Akka [2 dependencies]

Akka support for system creation and cqrs style actors
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Kephas.Mail [2 dependencies]

Provides the abstract infrastructure for mailing. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - IEmailMessage, IEmailAddress, IEmailAttachment - Services: IEmailSenderService, ISystemEmailSenderService. Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) ...
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Skeleton.Common [2 dependencies]

Library with common extensions and objects for applications development
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Markdown.Xaml [2 dependencies]

Markdown XAML processor
Inversion of Control Services for Types in the System.Net.Http Namespace.
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SkunkLab.Channels.Core [2 dependencies]

PureServices Client Orleans Client Library
Specflow tests for classes
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Butterfly.Message [2 dependencies]

Send emails and text messages via the same API in C#
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NetOfficeFw.MSComctlLibApi [2 dependencies]

Netoffice MSComctlLib Api
Package Description
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Rayab.Identity [2 dependencies]

All the identity tables you need are here, all the relationships are created and you just have to use them. Some tables and fields were added to this package, such as Firstname, Lastname, etc. to the User Table, such as UserSocialNetwork, WebsiteInformation, etc. to the project as default. More info...