NuGet Packages By Dependencies

A library with various utilities methods, extention methods and other programmatic helpers.
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boost_system-vc140 [2 dependencies]

boost_system-vc140. Compiler: Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
Provides Secure storage of key value pairs for iOS, Android, UWP, MacOS(OSX) and Tizen apps.
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Plugin.MediaManager.Forms [2 dependencies]

Cross platform .NET plugin to play and control Audio and Video. This adds .NET MAUI / Xamarin.Forms specific features
Squared Infinity ▪ Windows ▪ Extensions
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4ps.Library.Server.Tools [2 dependencies]

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http2dotnet [2 dependencies]

HTTP/2 protocol implementation for .NET standard
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Serpent.Chain [2 dependencies]

Message handler Chain
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JJ.Framework.Conversion [2 dependencies]

Makes it easier to convert simple types.
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Snickler.EFCore [2 dependencies]

Fluent Stored Procedure Extensions for EntityFrameworkCore
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Squid-Box.SevenZipSharp [2 dependencies]

Wraps 7z.dll or any compatible one and makes use of LZMA SDK, includes self-extraction functionality.
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Ideagen.MongoDB.Driver [2 dependencies]

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CacheHandlerPlugin [2 dependencies]

Simple cache for http requests.
Package Description
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CoreLib [2 dependencies]

Intended to be used in every project to reuse as much code as possible for daily coding tasks.
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BioEngine.Extra.OpenId [2 dependencies]

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StockSharp.Mfd [2 dependencies]

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Railway.NetCore [2 dependencies]

This is a Framework designed to give us the power to develop in C# in a Functional way using Railway Oriented Programming. This Framework is using .Net Standard 2.