NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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WinRtBehaviors [2 dependencies]

WinRT XAML does not support behaviors out of the box. This library tries to fill the gap for people who really need behaviors to get cracking in XAML for Windows 8 apps. Version 1.0.2 adds a bit of Blend support; 1.0.3 fixes an issues with behaviors in Popups DEPRECATED in 8.1
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boost_thread-vc120 [2 dependencies]

boost_thread-vc120. Compiler: Visual Studio 2013 Update 5.
Includes classes for Collection+Json documents as well as document reader and writer abstraction
AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) is an AWS service that makes it easier for you to deploy secure SSL based websites and applications on the AWS platform.
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LinqToQuerystring.Core [2 dependencies]

Fork of beyond-code-github/LinqToQuerystring from Roysvork, targeting .Net Core 2 / .Net Standard 2.0.
Asynchronous versions of the BinaryReader and BinaryWriter classes.
ASP.NET 5 enables per-request scoping of services.
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Zero.Controls [2 dependencies]

Dolittle is a platform designed to build Line of Business applications without sacrificing architectural quality, code quality or scalability.
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PyxisInt.GeographicLib [2 dependencies]

PyxisInt.GeographicLib is a C# port of Charles Karney's GeographicLib ( This product is released under MIT license per the original product.
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OSS.Tools.Config [2 dependencies]

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Quamotion.DiscUtils.Nfs [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Abstractions for the repository pattern.
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FoxSoftware.ConditionTree [2 dependencies]

Transform condition tree to any other form: SQL where caluse, Expression Tree or any other custom
Package Description
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Felsökning.Utilities.Http [2 dependencies]

An assembly for extending and/or assisting with HTTP-releated tasks.
Package Description
Shared Entity Framework Core components for relational database providers.
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Narula.Cloud.Azure [2 dependencies]

Productivity Tool: Azure Extensions and helper Data Models