NuGet Packages By Dependencies

Automock implementation for NSubstitute using Ninject to create the objects under test.
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LIS01-A2 Connection Class [2 dependencies]

This library is an OO implementation of the CLSI LIS01-A2 standard. "Specification for Low-Level Protocol to Transfer Messages Between Clinical Laboratory Instruments and Computer Systems;
Defines interfaces and types that can be used to expand the device capabilities of Windows IoT.
.Net Core Client Extensions for HTTP
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Llvm.Libs.core.x64-Debug [2 dependencies]

Libraries and configuration headers for LLVM 6.0.0 (x64-Debug)
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Tenogy.App.Logging [2 dependencies]

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Syncfusion.SfMaps.WPF46 [2 dependencies]

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SerialLabs.Web [2 dependencies]

Web Abstractions and components
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Boerman.Networking [2 dependencies]

This library provides a stable, fast and efficient TCP client/server library. Supports both plain and SSL TCP connections and is extremely easy to implement!
Serilog.Sinks.ListOfString logs to a list of string so you can test your logging : ``` var log= new List<String>(); var testLogger= new LoggerConfiguration().WriteTo.StringList(log).CreateLogger(); ...tests... log.ShouldContain( x=>x.Matches("kilroy was here") ); ``` This is for Serilog. For Mic...
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Assette.APIClient.SDK [2 dependencies]

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Package Description
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SynTop [2 dependencies]

SynTop Core Library
A client for commands and queries over HTTP (no events). Requires an HTTP hosting on the server side.
Abp 自定义菜单模块
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Sers.CL.Ipc.NamedPipe [2 dependencies]

Sers Microservices - Communication Layer
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Redakt.Files [2 dependencies]

Redakt Files module core services and logic.
Experiene API functionality
Package Description