NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Caramel.ServiceModel [2 dependencies]

Caramel Service Model
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ScaffR.Security [2 dependencies]

WIF Security implementation in ASP.NET MVC
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FastImage [2 dependencies]

FastImage finds the size or type of an image given its uri by fetching as little as needed for c# .Net, it is inspired by
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Basco [2 dependencies]

Very simple and easy testable (TDD) hierarchical state machine. Only 3 simple steps needed. 1) Define triggers (enum) 2) Create states (IState) 3) Implement configurator (IBascoConfigurator)
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Brick.Core [2 dependencies]

This package contains the core interfaces of Brick: - IRepository: Access data store to store and retrieve data. - IPagedList<T>: Represents a subset of a collection of objects that contains metadata about the superset collection of objects this subset was created from.
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Farseer.Net.Utils [2 dependencies]

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eDocument.Core.Services [2 dependencies]

eDocument Web Services API.
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WheelFramework.Core [2 dependencies]

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AutoCache [2 dependencies]

A small memory cache utility class that makes caching resource intensive operations in memory a little easier.
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Mvp.Xml.NetStandard [2 dependencies]

A .NET Standard port of the Mvp.Xml project developed by Microsoft MVP's in XML technologies and XML Web Services worldwide.
Package Description
A C# implementation of the WebSocket protocol client and server
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iTiApp.Core.Domain [2 dependencies]

This is core package for the tool generate c# web api from Codegen fulll source include: Api, Model, Service, Repository, UnitOfWork
Package Description
Package Description
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Dolittle.SDK.Resilience [2 dependencies]

Dolittle is a decentralized, distributed, event-driven microservice platform built to harness the power of events.