NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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LinFu.Delegates [2 dependencies]

A C# library for managing, creating, and binding to CLR delegates at runtime. Also includes partial application for delegates such as Func<> and Action<> types.
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PSWinCom Gateway Client [2 dependencies]

.net gateway client for the PSWinCom XML api
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CacheRepository.Core [2 dependencies]

A generic and thread safe Cache Repository base.
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for react-redux. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 17795ae18fc214be862fe578ad48c28fecfef8a6].
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Smartunicom.Spatial [2 dependencies]

Smartunicom Shared Library - Spatial
Abstract syntax tree builder for SME networks
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CodexMicroORM.Core [2 dependencies]

A high performance, low code alternative to ORM's such as Entity Framework, offers intelligent database mapping to your existing CLR objects with minimal effort. Visit "Design Goals" on GitHub to see more rationale and guidance.
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Shuttle.Core.Compression [2 dependencies]

Compression adapter which includes GZip and Deflate implementations.
The Core library to a notification ECommerce Event platform
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SofeniaCommonLib [2 dependencies]

Sofenia search engine's common library (managed). Go to
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Penguin.Testing [2 dependencies]

A few small test utilities, most notibly a "Runtime" validator scaffolding intended for performing init validation on debug builds on projects with difficult/impossible to enforce compile time restrictions. Write validation for boot time and be alerted BEFORE your application fails
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ReqRest.Http [2 dependencies]

Topshelf.Quartz.Integration provides extensions to schedule Quartz jobs along with your service class.
An Abp module helps you control how often your service is used.
An integration between AspNetCore.SignalR and Orleans to allow communication between clients distributed across multiple servers and backend services.
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Library.DataRepository_DM [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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FlakEssentials.EFCore [2 dependencies]

Package Description