NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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SpecExpress [2 dependencies]

SpecExpress takes a different approach than most other Validation Frameworks, such as Validation Application Block. SpecExpress doesn't use Attributes to decorate properties and embed all the metadata required for the rule. Instead, it it uses a separate class, called a Specification, which contains...
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MPlayerControl [2 dependencies]

MPlayerControl is a library written in C# and usable from an .NET language (C#, IronPython, VB.NET, IronRuby, etc..) and example program for accessing mplayer and mencoder. With it you can watch video, listen to audio, or convert videos. You can also do anything that is possible with mencoder. ...
Additional persistence provider for NEventStore using MongoDB.
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AdamsLair.DockPanelSuite [2 dependencies]

A custom version of DockPanelSuite for being used with the Duality framework. Forked from
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Mumbai.Plataforma.Global [2 dependencies]

My package description.
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Galactic.FileSystem [2 dependencies]

A class library for common file system operations including inheritance and permissions.
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SystemWebPackage [2 dependencies]

Packaged System.Web.dll to avoid dll missing error in deployment servers
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Eneter.Messaging.Framework [2 dependencies]

Cross-platform framework for interprocess communication.
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Serilog Sink for Graylog [2 dependencies]

A Serilog sink that writes events to Graylog synchroniously or asynchroniously, utilizing different transports that also works with .NET Core
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Arragro Core Web [2 dependencies]

Core Web library for Arragro.
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bgTeam.Impl.PostgreSQL [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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FaceRecognitionDotNet [2 dependencies]

The world's simplest facial recognition api for .NET This library is ported from by C#.
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Protocol Definition [2 dependencies]

Protocol Definition for Imverse
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JStreamAsyncNet [2 dependencies]

Easy way to serialize/deserialize objects to/from an async stream
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JsonContractSimplifier [2 dependencies]

A shorthand tool built on top of Newtonsoft Json.NET
Abstractions of Standalone.CQRS module
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Nexa.Redis [2 dependencies]

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OSharpNS.Identity [2 dependencies]

OSharp 身份认证组件,基于AspNetCore.Identity和Osharp仓储系统的身份认证实现
Package Description
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Material.Icons [2 dependencies]

Parsed icons set from