NuGet Packages By Dependencies
Common.Logging.Log4Net [16 dependencies]
DEPRECATED -- DO NOT USE (view "Project Information" url for more info)
Tethys.Logging [16 dependencies]
Simple logging and enhancements for existing logging frameworks.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 SDK client and portal assemblies [16 dependencies]
This package contains the official Microsoft.Xrm.Client.dll and Microsoft.Xrm.Portal assemblies and has been authored by the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK team.
ServiceStack.Signed [16 dependencies]
Deprecated. Use the strong named ServiceStack package instead.
Intelliplan.Logary [16 dependencies]
SemanticVersioning [16 dependencies]
This library implements the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 specification and the version range specification used by npm.
Dapplo.HttpExtensions [16 dependencies]
A library extensions to simplify HTTP usage.
AsyncFriendlyStackTrace [16 dependencies]
Async-friendly format for stack traces and exceptions (not needed in .NET 6+)
NetBox [16 dependencies]
Provides common simple helper functions to accelerate .NET development. Those vary by complexity and nature and include a lot of extension methods to calculate hashes (md5, crypto), string operations, short guids, string encoding, collection extensions, CSV support and many more.
CliWrap [16 dependencies]
Library for interacting with external command-line interfaces
macOS Native libraries for System.Drawing.Common [16 dependencies]
Allows you to use System.Drawing.Common on macOS
Thoth.Json [16 dependencies]
Elm-inspired encoder and decoder for JSON, this package is intended to be use on Fable side only.
If you are interested on using it against .NET Core or .NET Framework, please use Thoth.Json.Net.
Volo.Abp.Users.Domain [16 dependencies]
Package Description
NTS - Topology Suite - Features [16 dependencies]
A feature is a combination of spatial object and attribute data.
For this package attribute data is stored in AttributeTable objects.
These are combined with IGeometry objects to form a Feature.
A FeatureCollection is a collection of features.
Six4Win.ReadModel [16 dependencies]
Package Description
Bet.Extensions [16 dependencies]
The Collection of extension methods for DotNetCore application development.
Penguin.Extensions.String [16 dependencies]
String extension methods. Contains a number of methods for validating and parsing strings. Notable methods include To, ToLast, From, FromLast, SplitCSVRow, AllIndexsOf.
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'androidx.activity:activity'. [16 dependencies]
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'androidx.activity:activity'.
Library description: Provides the base Activity subclass and the relevant hooks to build a composable structure on top.
Drex.Initializers [16 dependencies]
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library ''.