NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Northwind Database [2 dependencies]

Northwind Sample database (for SQL Server 2005 and 2008).
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Go2.Architecture.Wcf [2 dependencies]

Provides functionality to allow using CommonServiceLocator to instantiate WCF services. It is persitance ignorant and would be used with other packages that provide persistance support.
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AggregateSource.Testing [2 dependencies]

AggregateSource.Testing provides lightweight infrastructure for building eventsourced, aggregate based test specifications.
Validation Module (Web) / eXpandFramework. To debug in VS enable Source Server support under Tools/Options/Debugging.
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MarkdownWeb [2 dependencies]

Wiki generator with markdown and git support (NetStandard 2+ and .NET 461+)
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Maxfire.Prelude.Core [2 dependencies]

The Core library in Maxfire.Prelude (Configuration = Release).
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ServiceBridge.Autofac [2 dependencies]

ServiceBridge implementation for Autofac IoC.
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SASQLServer [2 dependencies]

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MurmurHash.NETStandard [2 dependencies]

Provides a HashAlgorithm implementation of the Murmur3 algorithm compatible with .NETStandard 1.4 and up.
Implements the XMPP IoT sensor data extesion as defined by the IEEE XMPP IoT Interface working group.
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StACS.OpenAudit.Core [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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ijw.Next.Net.Socket [2 dependencies]

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Vostok.Hercules.Client [2 dependencies]

Implementations of clients to following Hercules services: Gate, Stream, Timeline APIs. Also contains HerculesSink — a nonblocking gate client that sends the data in the background.
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JFJT.Micro.EventBus.Common [2 dependencies]

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Xamarin.iOS Extensions [2 dependencies]

A collection of extensions for Xamarin.iOS.
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ScriptHookVDotNet3 [2 dependencies]

The .NET scripting API for Grand Theft Auto V.
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Wethon.Tools [2 dependencies]

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NetOfficeFw.ADODBApi [2 dependencies]

Netoffice ADODB Api
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Nuclear.Channels.Messaging [2 dependencies]

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Solari.Io.Abstractions [2 dependencies]

Health Checks