NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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FM.IceLink.Net35CF [2 dependencies]

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Xunit.Ioc [2 dependencies]

Extension to XUnit that allows you to resolve test classes out of a dependency injection container.
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FakeXrmEasy.2016 [2 dependencies]

Utilities to streamline unit testing in Dynamics CRM 2016 by faking the IOrganizationService against an In-Memory context which runs blazingly fast.
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Platform Model Core [2 dependencies]

Libset for agile software development
Some StringBuilder extensions: > Trim
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SimpleCrypto.NetCore [2 dependencies]

Simple cryptography for PBKDF2 encrypted passwords.
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ppg.PanGu [2 dependencies]

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Retyped.d3-color [2 dependencies]

D3 Color (d3-color) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
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Zidium Api for .Net Core [2 dependencies]

This is an official .Net Core Api library for Zidium monitoring system
Build-time references required to enable Razor view compilation as part of building the application.
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IKVM.NET.WINDWARD-FORK [2 dependencies]

IKVM.NET is an implementation of Java for Mono and the Microsoft .NET Framework.
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CzMotig.Database [2 dependencies]

This package provides CoreKraft specific service for loading Node Sets from configuration files.
极速网站开发框架/a light fast web framework for .net core 3.1
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Opc.Ua.Core20191127 [2 dependencies]

OPC UA Core Class Library
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HC.Abstractions [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Extension methods library for strings
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Endpointer.Core [2 dependencies]

Core models for Endpointer.
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Caravela.Framework.Redist [2 dependencies]

Redistributable components for package 'Caravela.Framework'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).