NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Ministry.StrongTyped [2 dependencies]

A Library of classes to allow strongly typed class building.
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XLabs - Caching [2 dependencies]

This package implements the core caching provider contracts
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paper-dialog-behavior [2 dependencies]

Implements a behavior used for material design dialogs
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CrossStitch.Core [2 dependencies]

A light-weight, low-ceremony app fabric for .NET
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Zebble.Media [2 dependencies]

A plugin to use camera for capturing or picking photos or videos on Zebble applications.
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FloxDc's Cache Flow [2 dependencies]

.Net Core distributed cache management library based on IDistributedCache and IMemoryCache interfaces
Steeltoe Management Endpoint Support for ASP.NET 4x via OWIN
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Vostok.Throttling [2 dependencies]

Request throttling helpers for HTTP services: parallelism limiting, quotas.
Package Description
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Measurement.Core [2 dependencies]

Measurement Core
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Hunter.EventBus [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Package Description
Bellatrix is a cross-platform, easily customizable and extendable .NET test automation framework that increases tests’ reliability.
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CDynamic.ThreadLib [2 dependencies]

Package Description
A simple, secure and high-performance library to communicate with Amazon S3 compatible APIs.
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Shortr [2 dependencies]

URL shortening library.
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Open.TaskManager.Common [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Package Description
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Package includes win-x64 run-time libraries Intel® oneAPI Data Analytics Library (Intel® oneDAL) is the library of Intel® architecture optimized building blocks covering all stages of data analytics: data acquisition from a data source, preprocessing, transformation, data mining, modeling, validati...