NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Scyano [2 dependencies]

Simple helper that provides message queuing for any class.
MvvmCross is the .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xamarin Forms, Windows and Mac. This package contains Support v7 Preference support for MvvmCross.
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Messaging.Queue.Provider [2 dependencies]

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Reusable.Extensions [2 dependencies]

StaticDotNet.ParameterValidation is a fluent library to help easily and consistently validate parameters.
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DocXCore [2 dependencies]

DocX is a .NET library that allows developers to manipulate Word 2007 files, in an easy and intuitive manor. This is a fork of DocX for .NET Core.
The Validation Application Block provides useful features that allow developers to implement structured and easy-to-maintain validation scenarios in their applications.
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NetCoreStack.Data [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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IX Threading Abstractions [2 dependencies]

A library for abstracting away some threading and thread synchronization classes in the .NET Framework.
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Piraeus.Core [2 dependencies]

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LiteNetLib-Custom [2 dependencies]

Personal use custom build of with address binding overload merged in, will be obsolete by
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EventBus.Common [2 dependencies]

Pacote com implementação básica para SubscribeManager e EventBusBuilder
This package implements logic for Identity Abstractions making use of Identity Framework for user and permissions management. It also includes a database initializer with default users and roles.
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N3XeS C# - Common Library [2 dependencies]

The N3XeS C# library containing common elements that are shared by the other N3XeS libraries.
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StarbucksAPI.Models [2 dependencies]

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Microsoft.VisualStudio.SDK [2 dependencies]

Visual Studio SDK meta-package. Reference this to get references to most other Visual Studio extensibility packages.
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CoreCRUD.Auth [2 dependencies]

Authentication and authorization with database and token implementations for .NET Core MVC or Web API projects
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Quamotion.DiscUtils.Ext [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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Orthogonal.Persistence [2 dependencies]

Package Description