NuGet Packages By Dependencies

Adds an InfoCard button to your ASP.NET web application's login page via a simple ASP.NET control. InfoCards enhance user security while mitigating phishing attacks by removing the need for a password credential or 3rd party identity issuer entirely.
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WebApiContrib.IoC.Ninject [2 dependencies]

The WebApiContrib.IoC.Ninject library provides dependency injection helpers for ASP.NET Web API.
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BuildCs Core [2 dependencies]

.NET build framework
Cop.Core package contains common core funcationality used by other 'Community of Practice' projects.
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Ara2.AraTabs [2 dependencies]

Componente do AraFramework
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Alion.Data [2 dependencies]

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NMF Layering [2 dependencies]

A simple implementation of Tarjans algorithm that creates a topological order for a given graph
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StarkDDD.Domain [2 dependencies]

Dll para auxilio de criação de projeto utilizando FluentNhibernate e DDD
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Scheduler.NET.Common [2 dependencies]

Scheduler.NET is a distributed scheduler system. It support http call back job and client managed job
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CE.Resources [2 dependencies]

Component that provides class for logging and I18N.
HealthCheck Extensions
A core library that is used to support igloo15.Serilog.Microsoft.Logging.Console and igloo15.Serilog.Microsoft.Logging.File packages
Clase base para el manejo de proveedores de base de datos
WindowsAPICodePack Core
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Giga.Infrastructure.Logger [2 dependencies]

NLog logging module for Giga ASP.NET Core projects.
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OpenRPA.CodeEditor [2 dependencies]

Code Edtior with syntax Coloring and intellisense for Microsoft Workflow Foundation, specifically tested and created for OpenRPA robot
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Sve.Blazor.Core [2 dependencies]

Sve.Blazor.Core contains common models, extensions and abstractions for all blazor UI components
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JZ.AlertModule.Domain [2 dependencies]

Package Description