NuGet Packages By Dependencies
AForge.Video [17 dependencies]
The AForge.Video library contains interfaces and classes to access different video sources, such as IP video cameras (MJPEG streams). The library defines types used by other video related libraries from AForge.NET framework.
JsonFx [17 dependencies]
JsonFx serialization framework
ServerAppFabric.Client [17 dependencies]
This package contains Server AppFabric Client assemblies.
NUnit Test Adapter for Visual Studio [17 dependencies]
The NUnit TestAdapter for Visual Studio 2012 and newer for NUnit 2. With this package you don't need to install the VSIX adapter package, and you don't need to upload the adapter to your TFS server.
Note that this package ONLY contains the adapter, not the NUnit framework.
Nimbus.MessageContracts [17 dependencies]
Package Description
Chiron [17 dependencies]
Monadic JSON serialization/deserialization library for F#
IdGen [17 dependencies]
Twitter Snowflake-alike ID generator for .Net
Aardvark.Application [17 dependencies]
Aardvark is an open-source platform for visual computing, real-time graphics and visualization.
Argu [17 dependencies]
A declarative command line and XML configuration parser for F# applications.
Certes ACME Client [17 dependencies]
A client implementation for the Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.AzureAD.UI [17 dependencies]
ASP.NET Core Azure Active Directory Integration provides components for easily integrating Azure Active Directory authentication within your ASP.NET Core application.
This package was built from the source code at
Mobsites.QuickBooksCart.Extensions [17 dependencies]
Volo.Abp.PermissionManagement.Domain.Shared [17 dependencies]
Package Description
Axis.Luna.Operation [17 dependencies]
Operation libarary that enables railway oriented programming for c# similar to javascript's promises.
AspNetCore.PluginManager.Languages [17 dependencies]
Plugin Manager Multiple language translations
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'androidx.preference:preference'. [17 dependencies]
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'androidx.preference:preference'.
Library description: AndroidX Preference
FizzCode.DbTools.DataDefinition [17 dependencies]
Database definition for Fizzcode DbTools project
Kentico.Xperience.Libraries [17 dependencies]
The runtime assemblies for libraries and applications that use Kentico Xperience API.
Scripter.Shared [17 dependencies]
Package Description
DCMS.Lib.Utils.Mvc [17 dependencies]
DCMS utils for Mvc