NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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ABB.Scada.Data [2 dependencies]

Default silo host process that starts a silo as a process.
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ijw.Common-0 [2 dependencies]

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ThomasCook.Interfaces [2 dependencies]

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Carbon.Packaging.Tar [2 dependencies]

Implements a tar package reader and writer.
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Akka.Persistence.Query.Sql [2 dependencies]

Akka.NET streams support for ADO.NET Persistence middleware.
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Ixq.Mapper [2 dependencies]

Package for adding Steeltoe Hystrix to ASP.NET Core applications
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ClosedXML.Report [2 dependencies]

ClosedXML.Report is a tool for report generation and data analysis in .NET applications through the use of Microsoft Excel. ClosedXML.Report is a .NET-library for report generation Microsoft Excel without requiring Excel to be installed on the machine that's running the code.
managedCuda-wrapper for CUSPARSE, only for x64-platform. CUDA Toolkit: Minimum NVIDIA GPU driver: 387.92 This package is an unofficial port of ManagedCUDA to .NET Standard 2.0 and was tested on Linux and Windows (x64). This package contains componen...
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JWTCookieAuthentication [2 dependencies]

JWTCookieAuthentication is a package for usage of JWT token for authentication both as bearer token and inside cookie.
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Base types for App Store Connect adapters.
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Package Description
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Ecng.Xaml [2 dependencies]

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HouseofCat.Extensions [2 dependencies] Tesseract library is used across many projects.
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SciterCore.Binaries [2 dependencies]

SciterCore binaries for Windows, MacOS and Linux.