NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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JuniorDDD - Domain Model [2 dependencies]

JuniorDDD facilitates the creation and validation of entities. This package provides lazy-loading capabilities for entities.
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Synthesis.Blade.Core [2 dependencies]

Extends Synthesis to support integration with the Blade presentation framework for Sitecore. Synthesis types can then be used in Blade views as models without the need for a discrete presenter. This package is designed to be installed on a library project, and does not include configuration files...
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JMalherbe.Common [2 dependencies]

Common utility library for personal usage
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Zebus.Directory [2 dependencies]

A lightweight Peer to Peer Service Bus
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CharacterGen.Bootstrap [2 dependencies]

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Swagger Provider [2 dependencies]

F# Type Providers for Swagger & OpenAPI
Repository pattern implemented by Entity Framework 6
Personal Store server model.
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Bacs.Protocols.Problem [2 dependencies]

Package Description
MSBuild tasks and targets for code generation
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Swashbuckle.OData [2 dependencies]

Extends Swashbuckle with OData v4 support! Supports both WebApi and OData controllers!
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Bet.Extensions.Hosting [2 dependencies]

The collection of the IHost related functionality used with GenericHost.
Package Description
Android RefreshDrawablePaint for Xamarin.Android
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ZY.Framework.Core [2 dependencies]

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GXBY.Abp.Castle.Core [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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Utility.Net [2 dependencies]

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Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.AST [2 dependencies]

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Pla.Lib [2 dependencies]

Base packge for creating pla platform componenets.