NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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xscaffolding.core [2 dependencies]

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Build.Mvc for MVC5 [2 dependencies]

Build.Mvc is a HtmlHelper extension library that turns the standard ASP .NET MVC 5.0 HtmlHelper methods into jQuery-style chainable methods that allow you to expressively add markup and style to your MVC application.
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Dependable [2 dependencies]

Build reliable workflows in .NET
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TestFx.SpecK [2 dependencies]

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SentimentAnalysis.Core [2 dependencies]

Core package for Sentiment Analysis
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SQLitePCL.bundle_green [2 dependencies]

class interfaces for accessing files stored in cloud platforms like AWS or Azure. These interfaces are implemented in the TECHIS.CloudFile.AzureStorage package and upcoming TECHIS.CloudFile.AwsS3
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GladNet.Engine.Server [2 dependencies]

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EFDbProvider [2 dependencies]

基类。EntityFramework和EntityFrameworkCore的简单封装包。用于仓储的实现,支持MsSql、MySql和SqLite。--更新到ef 6.2 和 ef core 2.1。更新 Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql 到 2.1.1
See more at .
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Gremlin.Net.CosmosDb [2 dependencies]

Helper library to use Gremlin.Net with a Cosmos DB graph instance
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FAP.Client.Service [2 dependencies]

Middleware classes for exception management, custom headers, killswitch and client certificate verification
The Thark Statement Builder package is a set of builders that will enable the dynamic creation of SQL statement to be executed against a database
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GoC.WebTemplate-Components [2 dependencies]

The Components to the DotNetTemplates for the .NET Core archetecture
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Vostok.Metrics.System [2 dependencies]

Cross-platform system metrics collection for .NET Core applications.
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Limxc.Tools [2 dependencies]

Common tools, extensions ect.