NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Squire Web Extensions [2 dependencies]

Squire web components.
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AD.System.Web.Helpers.dll [2 dependencies]

System.Web.Helpers.dll for net20
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System.Svg [2 dependencies]

Nethereum.StandardTokenEIP20 Ethereum Service to interact with EIP20 compliant contracts
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Odachi.Validation [2 dependencies]

Basic object validation infrastructure.
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Bell.Common [2 dependencies]

Common code base library
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Aardvark.Service [2 dependencies]

Aardvark is an open-source platform for visual computing, real-time graphics and visualization.
Xamarin bindings for ExoPlayer
This is a simple library for help you use the Publish/Subscribe AMQP Pattern in your application. It supports use the structure of Azure ServiceBus and RabbitMQ. It have a separeted project with two Interfaces for you easily apply Dependecy injection.
My package description.
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Telegram.Bot.Common [2 dependencies]

Libraries for creating Telegram Bots
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Stankins.Rest [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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GreenWhale.RedisCore [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Set of extension methods/properties that make File IO easier.
Package Description
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Heily.Unique.SnowFlake [2 dependencies]

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Splunk.Logging.Common.Core [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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XIL [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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ILibrary.Core [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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NPoco.SqlServer [2 dependencies]

An extremely easy to use Micro-ORM supporting Sql Server.