NuGet Packages By Dependencies

A simple library for performing reverse geolocation lookups via Google Maps. This currently allows you to translate latitude / longitude to a region (state) and an address to a map point.
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NinthChevron.Core [2 dependencies]

Bunch of classes useful in all project.
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Cellarius.Repository [2 dependencies]

Repository interfaces for Cellarius project.
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Hypermedia.JsonApi [2 dependencies]

A JSONAPI compliant serializer.
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Dotmim.Sync.MySql [2 dependencies]

MySql Sync Provider. Manage a sync process beetween two relational databases provider. This provider works with SQL Server and can be used as Client or Server provider .Net Standard 2.0
Contains ADO.NET adapter classes for Dccelerator.DataAccess ORM
Provides compatibility in ASP.NET MVC with ASP.NET Web API 2 to simplify migration of existing Web API implementations.
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CDynamic.MongoDb [2 dependencies]

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Syncfusion.Diagram.Base [2 dependencies]

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Tkx.Sdk.ApiModel [2 dependencies]

删除 车主信息 OwnerInfo 模型增加更新人,更新人ID,更新时间
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libc.web.localization [2 dependencies]

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Diamond.Patterns.System [2 dependencies]

This library provides some basic support functionality.
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Docgen.Core.Abstraction [2 dependencies]

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MCART.GUI [2 dependencies]

Morgan's CLR Advanced Runtime es un conjunto de funciones, extensiones y módulos que he encontrado útiles a lo largo de mis años de experiencia con lenguajes .Net, particularmente con Visual Basic. Trata de añadir características que no se encuentran fácilmente disponibles en .Net Framework, y ademá...
Package Description
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DwFramework.WebAPI [2 dependencies]

DwFramework WebAPI库
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COLID.Cache [2 dependencies]

The cache library used by the services of the COLID (Corporate Linked Data) project.
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BT.Manage.Frame.Base [2 dependencies]