NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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NLog.Mongo [2 dependencies]

NLog MongoDB target
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Gedcomx.Model.Fs [2 dependencies]

Contains FamilySearch specific GEDCOM X model extensions.
A singleton element that simplifies announcing text to screen readers.
The portable core of the DocuWare Platform .NET API
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LOGFILTER [2 dependencies]

Uygulama içersindeki loglamak istediğiniz datalardan yeni bir log tipi oluşturmanızı sağlar.
Git for Windows focuses on offering a lightweight, native set of tools that bring the full feature set of the Git to Windows while providing appropriate user interfaces for experienced users. Minimal Git for Windows is a reduced sized package designed to support application integration (like integr...
Contains security related functions of the Vasont Inspire API.
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StandardStorage [2 dependencies]

A reimplementation of PCLStorage that keeps 100% of the publicly-accessible API, and is contained in only one .NET Standard assembly that does not rely on any external framework code.
Purplebricks message subscriber infrastructure: StatsD Monitoring Behaviour
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dot.Filters [2 dependencies]

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PIT Helper [2 dependencies]

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FM.Grpc.Extensions.Client [2 dependencies]

一个基于GRPC的简单微服务框架 1.服务注册和发现 2.服务自动负载均衡 3.服务端中件间(性能监控[日志],全局错误处理,手动熔断) 4.客户端中件间(认证,超时时间设置) 5.DashBoard(远程调用,手动熔断,日志输出控制) 6.Grpc CodeFirst
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DSFramework.Threading [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Provides the configuration implementation using the Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration components. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - IAmbientServices.UseConfiguration(). Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to deliver a solid infrastru...
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Mcs.TASMU.CMS.Common [2 dependencies]

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UF.Framework.Common [2 dependencies]

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