Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on

Total dependencies: 602

Approval testing for xUnit
Logging extensions for Xunit so that tests that depend on ILogger can write to ITestOutputHelper
Utilities for unit testing using xunit framework.
Nethereum / Ethereum Smart Contract Integration testing
Provides some additional xunit abstractions to make integration tests easier.
SecByte.Xunit.Gherkin is a modified version of Xunit.Gherkin.Quick
A simple nuget package that just includes other nuget packages I use to make XUnit tests.
Extension methods for running MultiBrowser Selenium WebDriver tests
NLog and Common Logging extensions for xUnit test output
xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.MessageStore
XUnit tests for adjunct-System.DataStructures.SparsePascalSet
XUnit tests for adjunct-System.DataStructures.AvlTree
XUnit tests for adjunct-System.DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
XUnit tests for adjunct-Caliburn.Micro.Logging
XUnit tests for adjunct-Caliburn.Micro.Validation
XUnit tests for adjunct-System.DataStructures.OrderedSet
XUnit tests for adjunct-System.FluentCast