Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on [Extensibility: Execution]

Total dependencies: 92

BDD Framework for xUnit and .Net Core
DynamicSpecs XUnit integration
Xunit console runner for executing tests in the same domain as the Starcounter database
Genesis.TestUtil contains utility helpers for tests.
Implementation of ITestCaseOrderer to enforcing xUnit to run the facts in strict order
Implementation of ITestCaseOrderer to enforcing xUnit to run the facts in strict order
Xunit extension for topological ordering of test dependencies within a collection
Tool for generating data testing with xunit extensions.
An xUnit TestFramework that uses Autofac to resolve tests and their dependencies
Provides Assertions for Budgerigar Budget Results
Xunit binding for tests written in Fuchu framework
An xunit attribute to provide skip functionality to any xunit test discoverer. You specify the FactAttribute type ( FactAttribute and TheoryAttribute have their own helper attributes FactConditional and TheoryConditional ) that you may potentially want to skip then apply ITestCondition attributes....
xUnit Helper for building Browser Tests
Parameterized tests with constructor injections - easily test all implementations of an interface.