Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on [Assertion Library]

Total dependencies: 108

BDD Framework for xUnit and .Net Core
A named-argument helper wrapper for unit tests with Xunit
IIS Express unit test kit for
Aurochses.Xunit is a library for creating xUnit tests.
Package Description
Xunit console runner for executing tests in the same domain as the Starcounter database
.NET library to mock object properties with attributes
A library of unit test related .NET managed code utility classes written in C#.
Implementation of ITestCaseOrderer to enforcing xUnit to run the facts in strict order
Implementation of ITestCaseOrderer to enforcing xUnit to run the facts in strict order
Glue for .NET and Web applications
Library to use SpeedCurve API
Adapter for xunit for using NHamcrest library
A library for unit testing AspNetCore routes