Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on [Abstractions]

Total dependencies: 133

Package which adds XUnitLogger to be able to write output via Microsoft.Extensions.Logger to you test output.
Kode-Aid shared XUnit library.
[DEPRECATED] Use Install-Package Ocaramba.Features Install-Package Ocaramba.MsTest Install-Package Ocaramba.NUnit Install-Package Ocaramba.xUnit instead
Provides logging capabilities during Arcus testing
Accelerates preparation of mocked structures for unit tests under xUnit2 by configuring AutoFixture data generation to use FakeItEasy. Gracefully handles recursive structures by omitting recursions.
Testing library which contains useful tools and helpers
A set of pre-built mocks to help when testing file system interactions.
A Serilog sink that writes log events to the Xunit test output (for netcore2.0+).
Представляет набор инструментов для написания функциональных и интеграционных тестов на базе `xUnit`, связанных с вызовами `WEB-API` с использованием MyLab.ApiClient.
Library with often using asserts and constructions.
TestOutputHelper Extensions
Hedgehog with convenience attributes for xUnit. - Test method arguments generated with a custom - ...or with a custom Generator. - Property.check called for each test. Docs at
ILoggingProvider & ILogger to wrap ITestOutputHelper in xUnit .Net testing framework
Assembly-level shared state via IAssemblyFixture, just like built-in collection and class fixture state.
Package Description
Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
PureActive Serilog Sink for xUnit
Extensions XUnit pour faire des benchmarks de méthodes et générer des rapports de performance.
Package Description
Xunit LoggerProvider for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging to write log events to the Xunit test output.