Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin Android Support Library - appcompat-v7

Total dependencies: 633

Color picker library for Xamarin Android
MaterialProgressBar library binding for Xamarin Android (
A drop-in replacement for Google Play services location APIs for Android
C# bindings for Android-Iconics library. Android-Iconics is a library to use (almost) any alternative iconfont in your projects. It allows you to add any Android-Iconics compatible typeface-library-addon to your project and you are able to start using that font.
Xamarin Bindings library for AdvancedRecyclerView (1.0.0 - AndroidX)
Interactive paging indicator widget, compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library with Material Design. See Project Site for Sample.
Xamarin.Android binding Library - Mapbox Services
Custom fonts in Android an OK way. Ported from
Emgu TF is a cross platform .Net wrapper for the Google Tensorflow library. Allows Tensorflow functions to be called from .NET compatible languages such as C#, VB, VC++, IronPython.
A simple Xamarin.Forms BadgeView to use anywhere in your application. Change the color and apply a number to the badge. That's it!
Android geolocation Library
A map library that brings support for clustering for Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps.
Emgu TF Lite is a cross platform .Net wrapper for the Google Tensorflow Lite library. Allows Tensorflow Lite functions to be called from .NET compatible languages such as C#, VB, VC++, IronPython.
Smartlook Mobile SDK wrapper for Xamarin
A collection of plugins and base classes for Xamarin Forms that I find useful, maybe you will too
LiveDataNet support for the Android Platform. Includes Binding Adapters with lifecycle-awareness.
A modified collapsingtoolbar that can work with multi-line titles
Xamarin Binding Library - Stripe Android SDK
Contains convenience methods and async extensions for Xamarin.RevenueCat.Android
This Nuget package, present a collection of xamarin forms layout with the capabilities of rounding all corners or some of them. The layouts are : - RoundedStackLayout - RoundedContentView - RoundedGrid I based this development on the CachedImage/ RoundTransformation library developed by Daniel Lu...