Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on toastr

Total dependencies: 44

This package adds Rails-like flash functionality to your MVC controllers, backed by the excellent Toastr JavaScript notification library. Flash notifications are persisted through redirects and are removed when shown.
A minimal and opinionated Angular template based on HotTowel
Toastr service for ASP.NET MVC 5 Apps.
Design for Asp.Net Framework MVC multiple tables CRUD. Only code need is to inherit from TableController, set the TableNameList, IsReadonly attributes, the view will automatically get from share folder. Table Controller will get the dbContext based on table name accordingly.. Typical usage cases, mu...
Ever wanted a flash like mechanism that occurred after a redirect in AngularJS? Flashr alleviates all the setup of flashing and notifications inside of your application using toastr. Display notifications now or later. Simple Examples"your message"); flashr.later.success("your...
nx-library for angular js library
A MVC/Web Form library for Modal dialog/StatusBar notifications. jQuery is required. The goal is to create a simple core library that can be customized and extended.
MVC forms and resources management - internal company package
Demo can be found here Usage: Link to jquery, toastr.css, toastr.js, glimpse.js and glimpse.toastr.js <script src="jquery.js"></script> <script src="toastr.js"></script> <script src="glimpse.js"></script> <script src="glimpse.toastr.js"></script> Use toastr $(...
Management web pages for SiGyl Opc
ReMi Web UI
This is the template for creating a single page app
Packages I use often.
Starter kit for building a SPA with ASP.NET MVC, TypeScript, Knockout, Durandal, and Breeze. To use start by creating an empty MVC4 application and then apply this nuget package using: Install-Package SPAcify
General web library for projects of DemaWare
Basic form input control validations