Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Data.SqlClient
Total dependencies: 2490
Yet another extension method library.
Common code components for Dapper
Alpha libraries to build web apps using Scio SaaS Platform
This is a temporary .NET Core port of FluentMigrator for Serenity applications. It will only be used until an official version is out.
EsWork Libraries
Entity Framework Extensions extends your DbContext with high-performance bulk operations: BulkSaveChanges, BulkInsert, BulkUpdate, BulkDelete, BulkMerge, and more.
Supported Provider: SQL Server, SQL Azure, PostgreSQL, SQL Compact, MySQL, and SQLite.
OpenTracing with AspNetCore
Client for Fabric.Databus
Das ist ein NuGet Paket, weches als Grundlage für alle meine bestehenden und neuen Projekte dient.
Es ist für andere, außer für mich, recht sinnlos.
Adds Linq support to any Data Access Objects supporting CRUD operations based on indentifiers.
Package Description
T4Query.SqlServer provides developers with a single class to query SQL Server with the query.
T4Query.SqlServer auto support Sql Transaction
- If run query not fails: Commits the database transaction.
- If run query fails: Rolls back a transaction from a pending state.
T4Query.SqlServer always au...
micro ORM ,simplify data access while ensuring high performance.
Run safe and effective ADO .NET SQL queries on Microsoft SQL Server.
DSL abstraction for Working with SQL (Select, Update, Insert, Delete, Executing Stored procedures, using Transactions)
Bulk Insert Datatable or generic list into a SQL Server Database table
Bulk Insert Datatable or generic list into a SQL Server Database table