Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

Package Description
A libary that contains the Schema used by the MUNityCore for an easier implementation of the munity API into .NET languages.
Bdaya develoment Backend Generic Rsepository Design Pattern
Package Description
EF Model Interfaces and some basic methods
Package Description
Componenti per la gestione del model di request e response per il progetto Identity di amministrazione
Library to all common DTO's to use in Mobile and Web apps
Custom data annotations and validator
Domain Layer of PortafoliDigital project
Modelos de las clases utilizadas por SimanG8 WebAPI
NLog Gelf target for dotnet core.
Metadata and Validation using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations for the MVC runtime
Orb EntityFramework seed extensions
A combination of helpful extension methods.
Package Description