Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Collections.Immutable

Total dependencies: 1392

Embeds Visual Studio's editor and theming system in standalone projects.
Gumbo Bindings Class Library
A small number of minor XML-related improvements to C#, including conversions among System.Xml, System.Xml.XPath, and System.Xml.Linq APIs.
Manage partial JSON requests.
Middleware facilitation for outbound HttpClient requests that is a mirror image of the functionality provided by ASP.Net Core (and OWIN) inbound request middleware.
Simple tools for working with immutable trees, developed at Stack Overflow
Iso85834Net is a library that helps parse/read and generate ISO 8583 messages. It does not handle sending or reading them over a network connection, but it does parse the data you have read and can generate the data you need to write over a network connection.
Common functionality for Fabricators Guild solutions (will be moved to separate repo soon)
The F# compiler services package contains a custom build of the F# compiler that exposes additional functionality for implementing F# language bindings, additional tools based on the compiler or refactoring tools. The package also includes F# interactive service that can be used for embedding F# scr...
Extended Xml Serializer for .NET
This package provides an easy to use command-line framework.
PlutoStudio framework 是由 Pluto Studio 基于PlutoStudio所开发的一系列Api及框架。
Build task for definitions.
RxApp view bindings and navigation support for XamarinForms.
An attribute-based library for creating Thrift serializable types and services. Core library that include Thrifty for dotnet core.
Class library for the definition of identities for entities