Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on StructureMap
Total dependencies: 370
StructureMap implementation of the Shuttle.Core.Container dependency injection interfaces
MagiQL :: MagiQL Service WebAPI StructureMap
Simple wrapper to quickly start a new Wpf Mvvm project using Apex and StructureMap
CodeCop Setup StructureMap container adapter
A tiny testing library for your StructureMap container.
A wrapper for the IoC container in StructureMap
An implementation of IServiceLocator for StructureMap.
An extension of the NCommon container adapter for StructureMap
SeekU depencency resolver built with StructureMap.
.net framework that helps you build applications easily
Provides html helpers to generate angularjs compatible input controls. Also uses FluentValidation to aid in client/server validation.
FeatureSwitch helper library to integrate with StructureMap v2.6
A library containing the classes necessary for WCF services to be driven by StructureMap as an IoC. This is basically this article in code form.
SeptaBus is an in-memory, synchronous message bus.
StructureMap bindings for Pony
StructureMap based factory for Jessica, a micro web framework.
Adds the latest version of structuremap and configures it as the default Dependency Resolver.
A NCommon container adapter for StructureMap
A simple alternative to N-Tier architecture based on commands and handlers.