Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on sqlite-net-pcl

Total dependencies: 158

Core project for rapid apps development
Capture all user interactions across desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. Display data in intuitive dashboards and improve the user experience. The Cxense core engine is built on our technology, optimized to capture and action a large number of events in real time. * Get tailored traffic report...
This package give you many must have libraries in one shot.
LogPackage description
A wrapper around sqlite
Package Description
Converters, EventToCommandBehavior, EventService to communicate between different application components, CacheService based sqlite
WinIT Xamarin Forms renderer
SQLite DataBase Manager For Xamarin Forms How To Use: Install sqlite-net-pcl >= 1.6.292 in all projects DataBase db = new DataBase("mycooldb.db3"); var table = await db.Table<ModelName>(); var dataintable = await table.Add(new Table{});
Library for creating file parsers
Package Description
neurUL Cortex Common
Event Sourcing Common