Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Refit
Total dependencies: 430
Client for Lykke.Service.NotificationSystemAdapter API
Client for Lykke.Service.AdminManagement API
Client for Lykke.Service.Wallets API
Client for Lykke.Service.BonusCustomerProfile API
Client for Lykke.Service.OperationsHistory API
Client for Lykke.Service.CurrencyConvertor API
Client for Lykke.Service.WalletManagement API
Client for Lykke.Service.NotificationSystem API
Client for Lykke.Service.Dictionaries API
Client for Lykke.Service.PaymentTransfers API
Client for Lykke.Service.PrivateBlockchainFacade API
Client for Lykke.Service.PushNotifications API
Client for Lykke.Service.InfobipPushProvider API
Client for Lykke.Service.AgentManagement API
Client for Lykke.Service.CustomerProfile API
Client for Lykke.Service.CustomerProfile API
Client for Lykke.Service.D3Integration API
Client for Lykke.Service.Campaign API
Client for Lykke.Service.PrivateBlockchainFacade API
This client library enables client applications to connect to Investec's Open Banking aligned OpenAPIs. For more information, refer to