Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on ReactiveUI

Total dependencies: 126

Cop.Core.Wpf package contains common core Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) funcationality used by other 'Community of Practice' projects.
Makes my life easier with UWP.
Makes RxUI work with FreshMvvm
Provide error handling for reactive and non reactive coding in ReactiveUI
Autofac adapter for ReactiveUI, including Splat dependency resolver and registration extensions.
Fody extension to generate RaisePropertyChange notifications for properties and ObservableAsPropertyHelper properties.
This library provides Caliburn.Micro screens and conductors rewritten to inherit from ReactiveUI ReactiveObject
Add all views and viewmodels with one call and enable constructor injection
Avalonia base controls for Xamarin Forms platform.
UWP/Xamarin.Forms -like controls that depend on the ReactiveUI framework. The default CSS style is Semantic UI, but there are some options for Bootstrap to work, too.
A .Net library for composing reactive collections providing monadic types to support LINQ.
The description of the package
My package description.
A starter package to get all you need when you start a new Xamarin Forms project
A starter package to get all you need when you start a new Xamarin Forms project
A starter package to get all you need when you start a new project.
Only .Net 4.0