Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on psake

Total dependencies: 14

Psake tasks and functions to build Hangfire projects with ease.
This package provides PowerShell scripts to automatically compile, package, test and deploy your code based on a set of conventions. It is based on psake and consists of a set of psake tasks written in Powershell. There is a predefined psake properties block and a number of predefined tasks as well ...
IterationZero will provide you with an initial base configuration for building, testing and deploying a Visual Studio Project. Leveraging psake for integration and nunit for testing.
Reusables modules used in the aid of a .NET build and release cycle
The build module for psake. It contains a set of PowerShell scripts to make running psake tools slightly easier.
A set of psake tasks for building .net solutions. Simply install the package and run: .\kaiseki-bootstrap\build.ps1
Инструменты автоматизации
Build scripts for Codestellation projects.
Psen provides convention-based and out-of-the-box builds, tests, installations and deployments for .NET projects. Find more details in readme file on github and an example in the folder packages\psen.\tools\examples.
The honey flavoured psake task automation tool
Usage: Execute Sundew.Build.Setup.exe and enter solution path (relative) -> build scripts will be placed in "SolutionDir"\Build Included features: - Msbuild - Update version (Set version via script parameters, only SolutionItems\SharedAssemblyInfo.cs will be updated) - VSTest console (Add test adap...
A set of PowerShell templates for building and deploying projects with PSake.