Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on prometheus-net

Total dependencies: 73

.NET-based framework for building client-server applications
.NET-based framework for building client-server applications Tesseract library is used across many projects.
Corsinvest for Proxmox VE Metrics Exporter Api
Service library supporting application deployment as containers as well as in-process for testing
A ninject service locator for the PrometheusNet.Owin handler.
Exposes prometheus metrics inside full framework applications using WebApi
Prometheus monitoring for gRPC C# servers and clients
Addons to prometheus-net that may be useful but are completely unstable, published without any guarantees and may go away in the future.
Provides extensions for Azure IoT Edge to integrate with the modern .NET hosting model, and implements IoT Edge recommendations for logging and metrics.
PraxiCloud libraries offer a range of common functions, features and base classes to use when building solutions, increasing the time to delivery. This package offers a generic provider based metrics framework provider for Prometheus scraping.
The Prometheus provider for Spiffy.Monitoring
Core functionality for implementing a dotnet core based Push Receiver.
This .NET library contains a custom MetricServer that allows to implement a blackbox exporter and is based on prometheus-net. The BlackboxMetricServer creates an empty CollectorRegistry on each scrape, which is passed to the registered callbacks. The callback also receives the query string of the s...
Core code to export .NET applications' Hangfire stats to Prometheus.
Package Description
Package Description
gRPC Prometheus client - server instrumentation for DotNet.