Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on

Total dependencies: 8

Contains dlls and sources for Oracle Persistence Provider: OracleProvider which implements interfaces: IPersistenceProvider, ISchemePersistenceProvider and IWorkflowGenerator. Steps for workflow runtime configuration with OracleProvider:
Oracle managed specific nhibernate driver. Example using NHibernate configuration by code: var cfg = new Configuration(); cfg.DataBaseIntegration(db => { db.ConnectionString = @"Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=your_host)(PORT=your_port)))(CONNECT_DATA=...
Oracle Provider for the Simple.Data data access library using Managed ODP.NET driver.
ASP.NET Identity provider for Oracle databases.
This is the Oracle implementation of the key value storage abstraction.
Normal ServiceStack.OrmLite.Oracle just changed driver to Oracle.ManagedDataAccess. You need to additionally install ServiceStack.OrmLite Attention! - Additionally to changing the driver, I had to remove ServiceStack's OracleTimestampConverter since the function OracleGrlobalization.GetCl...