Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

A Xamarin wrapper binding for Azure Storage APIs - Blob, Queue, Table
Extension supporting Google Cloud Platform specific features for gRPC.
Automates exception handling for .NET standard based applications
Huge dictionary of file extensions to mime types
Netherum.Geth is the extended Web3 library for Geth. including the non-generic RPC API client methods to interact with the Go Ethereum Client (Geth) Admin, Debug, Miner.
The .NET API for analytics, by Segment. Install and immediately send data to 150+ analytics and business intelligence tools with the flip of a switch.
SqlKata + Dapper + Canducci Wrapper Extensions
The Waher.Events.Persistence project creates an even sink that stores incoming (logged) events in the local object database, as defined by Waher.Persistence. Event life time in the database is defined in the constructor. Searches can be made for historical events.
Support classes for code generated by SharpGen.
Provides Swagger data by annotating modules and routes.
Provides developers with libraries to create and manage Namespaces and manage Authorization Rules. Note: This client library is for ServiceBus under Azure Resource Manager.
Akka Persistence journal and snapshot store backed by PostgreSql database.
A .NET library for using the NUnit 3 (and Moq) on top of the ChannelAdam Test Framework.
A .Net library to read and write Intel HEX files. Supports the following Intel HEX records: 00 Data 01 End Of File 02 Extended Segment Address 03 Start Segment Address 04 Extended Linear Address 05 Start Linear Address
Google APIs Client Library for working with Pubsub v1beta1a. Product documentation is available at: API reference documentation for this package is available at:
Add Pull to Refresh to ScrollView or group a ListView. See Project for more details Ensure you call PullToRefreshLayoutRenderer.Init() on each platform! Built against:
Provides managed equivalents of Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) UI types from Windows Runtime. Commonly Used Types: Windows.UI.Xaml.CornerRadius Windows.UI.Xaml.Duration Windows.UI.Xaml.DurationType Windows.UI.Xaml.GridLength Windows.UI.Xaml.GridUnitType Windows.UI.Xaml.Thickness Wind...
Provides ability for the components to be created by factory objects. You can use it to register things like HttpContext in the container. This facility is mostly targeted towards legacy applications.