Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library
Total dependencies: 12696
Library (.Net Standard 1.0) to support text and person name matching.
Currently contains Levenshtein and Damerau-Levenshtein (optimal string alignment version) edit distance and normalized similarity functions optimized for speed and reduced memory consumption. There are also versions of the functio...
ASPNETCore Middleware for generating RSS Feeds
Tungsten.From complements Tungsten.As by providing FromBase64 and FromCompressed
Tungsten.EventTemplate is a class which makes exposing and raising an event somewhat easier
Tungsten.Encryption provides a class for RSA encryption and MD5 password hashes
Tungsten.Console provides several string extension methods to send strings to the console.
Tungsten.CallResult is a class which can be used as a return value to specify a success/fail, an exception if on ocurred, and a result
Tungsten.As provides extension methods for quick conversions (As<T>, AsBase64, AsBytes, AsCompressed, AsString).
Tungsten.ArrayMethods provides additional functionality for arrays (Peek, Take, Trim, Append, Insert)
Helper package to more quickly add the Alexa Sound Library to Alexa.NET SSML Responses
Tungsten.Threading.Lockers provides classes which support resource locking (MonitorLocker, ReaderWriterLocker, SemaphoreLocker and SpinLocker).
Tungsten.Threading provides a Thread.Sleep method and ThreadMethod class which makes creating a background thread (long running task) easy.
Tungsten.Logging provides basic support for logging. Handle the W.Logging.Log.LogTheMessage event to provide additional logging options. W.Logging.LogMessageHistory class can be instantiated to maintain an in-memory history of messages.
Lightweight wrapper for one-off SQL queries.
OpenTl port of the Netty SOCKSx protocol. Support SOCKS5 and SOCKS4
LSON is intended to be a S-Expression serialization library