Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library
Total dependencies: 12696
Configurators to randomly generate Akka.NET classes
芝麻反欺诈 SDK
A collection of assertions, tailored for Tiger libraries.
A collection of useful types and operations specialized for errors.
Set ConnectionString manually, Enable internal Debugging, Show configuration messages
Wrapper for Visual Studio AppCenter to support the legacy Xamarin Insights API
Library for advanced formatting of console/terminal output. Format output like HTML using .NET DSL (like LINQ to XML). Supports paragraphs, lists, grids, Unicode formatting, drawing, export to various formats and much more.
Gear for performing active queries.
Receive and handle firebase push notifications across Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android
Appenders for Apache log4net
RemoteSyslogSSLAppender and RemoteSyslogAsyncSSLAppender: Appenders specifically to allow remote SSL logging to a syslog running on a Synology NAS. This should work with any syslog conforming to the BSD specification.
EncryptedForwardingAppender: ForwardingAppender to ...