Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

(Unofficial) Signed GridFS Component of the Official MongoDB .NET Driver. The containing assembly was generated by signing the officially published MongoDB.Driver.GridFS.dll.
This library provides data-paging functionality and pager UI for ASP.NET Core MVC projects.
.NET HTTP server that uses the Windows HTTP Server API.
This library contains the operation message type definitions and service interfaces for ASP.NET Core projects.
The Cuemon.Xml namespace contains types related to encoding, converting and serialization. The included lightweight XML serializer framework offers same flexibility as the one provided by the JSON equivalent from Newtonsoft. The namespace is an addition to both System.Xml- and System.Xml.Serializati...
Create instance of HliHttpClient and make typed calls: var client = new HliHttpClient("", "ip"); var result = await client.GetDataAsTypeAsync<IpResponse>(); There is also an IRepository interface and subinterfaces for your repositories.
Stormpath OWIN middleware library
A free smart object model library. Supporting Tables, Relations, Transactions, Computed Columns, Undo/Redo, Constraints, Rules...
The faster monadic parser combinator library for C#
Command line application utility package. Provides API for parsing and binding command line arguments to .NET methods.
Provides an output implementation that sends diagnostics data to standard output stream (useful for debugging purposes).
This library is mainly to provide a simple way connect http service. Please visit ProjectSite (my Github sourceCode page) to see demonstration of how to use UnicornToolkit to connect a web api quickly.
Provides an input implementation for capturing diagnostics data sourced through Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger
Provides interfaces for types in System.Net.NetworkInformation: NetworkInterface, PhysicalAddress, IPAddressInformation, IPAddressInformationCollection, IPInterfaceProperties, IPInterfaceStatistics, IPv4InterfaceProperties, IPv6InterfaceProperties, UnicastIPAddressInformation, UnicastIPAddressInform...
The package Provides a solution for the Repository and UnitOfWork patterns together with inversition of control. On the project site there are examples of Autofact, Castle.Windsor, Ninject, Simpleinjector, StructureMap, and Unity integration. The IoC framework is not an issue... It is ment to...
Diagnostics interfaces for Octopus, an opinionated deployment solution for .NET applications
Yakari is aimed to reduce distributed caching systems serialization/deserialization and network operation costs.
A community-driven PokemonGo API Library written in C#. You can read the changelog here
Utility .Net library for declarative collection handling. It provides a set of query methods, resembling the ones in LINQ, which operate on read-only observable lists and collections, instead of IEnumerable.