Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MoreLINQ

Total dependencies: 188

Implementations of wham ProjectModel for gitree format where directory and file structure is a part of datafile content, building up final datafiles from tiny files. It's mostly designed to work well with VCS such as git.
Xamariners.Core is a library of common classes and helpers.
A library that I tend to create for just about every project... contains extensions and other things that I find useful, you might too (or maybe not).
A small library that optimizes the generation of the DeepZoom collection image. This image must be generated anytime you have a DeepZoom image with sub-images or a PivotViewer collection. Supports updating the collection.
Wikiled Text Anomaly Analysis library
Data contract interfaces.
The three-dimensional pallet packing library.
A library of shared Revit functions for personal use
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Enhanced features for the self-containing DataTable classes for the jQuery plugin that manage rendering, querying, filtering, sorting and other desireable tasks for the user.
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The SDL Studio Community Toolkit is a collection of helper functions. It simplifies and demonstrates common developer tasks building SDL Studio plugins.
A GC-friendly graph theory library for .NET Standard intended for use with games.
A GC-friendly graph theory library for .NET Core intended for use with games.
A redactor that can take a json string or an object and return a redacted string in json. Features * Configurable properties to redact by name * Configurable regular expressions to validate against * Sperate abstractions library to reduce coupling of packages.