Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging

Total dependencies: 2816

Modular API is a Framework structure used to create an application.
对NLog.Extensions.Logging的简单引用和封装,加入一个默认的配置文件,方便使用 封装Exceptionless
Common functionalities and utilities for any AspNetCore MVC project
.NET Library for communicating with the WiMOD iU880B USB (and iM880B) LoRaWAN Modem.
Klientbibliotek for integrasjon mot Digipost REST-API.
Klientbibliotek for integrasjon mot Digipost REST-API.
为云梦微站量身打造的防CSRF类库 1.此次更改增加对例外路径配置的支持 2.去掉用户信息 3.去掉对DataPortect的依赖 4.支持自定义Token域名设置 5.优化token缺失的错误提示方式,提高性能
Terradue.WebService.Ogc is a library targeting .NET Standard 2.0 and above that provides base classes to use OGC webservices
Tools for logging based on Serilog.
.NET library for ClickHouse with useful classes such as aggregating queue for bulk inserts. The ClickHouse-Net driver is used (native ClickHouse protocol with data compression).
.Net Core easy to implement generic service and Quartz to Implement Background Schedule Tasks. Set backing database from appsettings json files. Supported databases: Memory, Ms SQL server, Postgres, Mysql, SqLite
A cross platform framework that works with all projects that use .Net Core
Miscellaneous helpful tools
Base classes for Writing events
Part of the XerviceKit framework for developing microservices. See for more information.