Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 3471

Simple loggin system for .Net Core implementing conditional targets and fluent configuration.
JSON-RPC 2.0 client
A MediatR pipeline for Blazor state management - Fork of with custom changes Tesseract library is used across many projects.
Easily retry your asynchronous operation
DomainWorkflows event-driven abstractions
Package containing assemblies to work with IoT Edge routes with typed structures.
A .NET Core full modular and generic command lib inspired in ASP.NET Core
Acuit Pinpoint Test Workflow Library for Acuit Pinpoint Workstation
Provides Serilog backend for invocation logging via AutoImport.
Small library to create background tasks and background crons that get dependency injection.
Olive Framework
.Net Standard 2.0 client library implementation for the REST API provided by
Lightweight client for Genesys Notifications websocket API
Package Description
Library that contains runner class to start generic host and Xamarin.Froms application
DNS over HTTPS (DoH) client, DNS UDP client and DNS caching client for .NET Core
Infrastructure and cross-cutting-concern abstractions for .NET
This library is meant work on top of KM.Lextm.SharpSnmp (a fork of Lextm.SharpSnmp) which easily allows you to do SNMP commands get/set/getbulk/getsubree with timeouts and retries
Marketstack client. Marketstack is a JSON-based REST API for real-time, intraday and historical stock market data, supporting 125,000+ stock ticker symbols from 72+ worldwide stock exchanges.