Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 3471

An SQLite-backed IDistributedCache cache implementation for ASP.NET Core. Fast, transparent, persistent caching.
Configuration store support for Esquio. For more information see
Database installer and version handler for dotnet core projects
SAML2.0 library based on the SAML2 package, with better compatibility for ADFS and other saml providers
Store your application settings in MongoDB and get notified when they get updated.
A utility to manage run-time services
Package Description
UDP Socket implementation for NZSmartie.CoAPNet
It's an O/RM... it's a document store... no it's SQL Server!
Multi-tenancy support for ASP.NET Core using StructureMap.
KubeClient contribution to simplify work with CustomResources
Simple test fixture pattern
Helpers For .Net Core
Package Description
Tools related to command processing
MMALSharp brings low level access to the Raspberry Pi camera module in C#. Based on the native MMAL library, MMALSharp allows you to configure a rich set of camera/sensor related settings via an easy to use asynchronous API.
ASP.NET Core HTTP extensions.
NoDb data storage for cloudscribe Membership Paywall